Allah-O-Akbar Allah-O-Akbar Allah-O-Akbar

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Third Kalma


Dua before and after eating

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Islamic Dressing

Dear Readers,

I am posting a great article on ISLAMIC DRESSING for you. Hope you'll like it and try to act upon:-

May Allah Almighty Bless us All with Almighty Blessings

Monday, October 26, 2009

Spirit of Abdul Sattar Edhi

Dear visitors,

Enjoy reading column of Mr. Javed Chaudhary on the spirit of Abdul Sattar Edhi. Click to view large image.

Columns: Javed Chaudhary, The News, Daily Jang, Nawai-Waqt, Dawn News, Zarb-e-Momin, Islam, Geo, Express News

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Save Pakistan Rally - Islamic University Islamabad

“Save Pakistan Rally” will be held at the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) on Monday 26th October 2009 when the university will reopen after closing of five days due to two suicide blast at Shariah Faculty and Women Cafeteria on October 20, 2009. Professor Fateh Muhammad Malik, Rector IIUI, Dr. Anwar Hussain Siddiqui, President IIUI and Dr. Zafar Ishaq Ansari, Vice President IIUI will lead the students rally. This rally will start at 11.00 a.m. from the boys hostel lawn and will go to the Shariah Faculty. Where the students will lay dawn the flowers in memory of their fellows who have been martyred during the suicidal attack. A large number of Students, teachers, and Employees will participate in the rally.

An other rally of female students will start from the women campus and go the Women Cafeteria where the girls students lay down the flowers. The Purpose of these rallies is to show the determination and courage of the students, teachers & employees against the terrorist attacks on Pakistan and educational institution. The students will also pray for the solidarity, security and peace for Pakistan.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Muslims in Gujrat

Monday, October 19, 2009


Islam (Arabic: الإسلام‎ al-’islām, pronounced is the religion articulated by the Qur’an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of the single incomparable God (Arabic: الله‎, Allāh), and by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad's (Peace Be Upon Him) demonstrations and real-life examples (called the Sunnah, collected through narration of his companions in the volumes of Hadith).

The word Islam is a homograph, having multiple meanings, and a triliteral of the word salaam, which directly translates as peace. Other meanings include submission, or the total surrender of oneself to God. An adherent of Islam is a Muslim, meaning "one who submits (to God).  Muslims regard their religion as the completed and universal version of a monotheistic faith revealed to many times and places before, including, notably, to the Prophets Abraham (Hazrat Ibrahim), Moses (Hazrat Musa) and Jesus (Hazrat Esa).

Religious practices include the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community. Islamic law (Arabic: شريعة Šarīʿah) touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, encompassing everything from dietary laws and banking to warfare and welfare. The vast majority of Muslims belong to one of two major denominations, the Sunni (87-90%) and Shi'a (10-13%). Islam is the predominant religion in much of Africa, the Middle East and major parts of Asia. Large communities are also found in China, Russia and the Carribean. About 13% of Muslims live in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country, 31% in the Indian Subcontinent, and 20% in Arab countries. Converts and immigrant communities are found in almost every part of the world. With 1.57 billion Muslims , Islam is the second-largest religion in the world and arguably the fastest growing religion in the world.

You liked this article. Let me know with your comments.

Islamic Calligraphy - Divine Art


Islamic calligraphy, colloquially known as Arabic calligraphy, is the art of artistic handwriting, or calligraphy. This art, associated with Islam, has most often employed the Arabic script, throughout many languages including Arabic. Calligraphy is especially revered among Islamic arts since it was the primary means for the preservation of the Qur'an. The work of calligraphers was collected and appreciated.

Here are the some samples of Islamic calligraphy:

Arabic calligraphy is a primary form of art for Islamic visual expression and creativity. Throughout the vast geography of the Islamic world, Arabic calligraphy is a symbol representing unity, beauty, and power. The aesthetic principles of Arabic calligraphy are a reflection of the cultural values of the Muslim world. A thorough investigation into the aesthetic differences between Arabic and non-Arabic calligraphy might provide an approach for understanding the essential spirit of each culture.

Arabic calligraphy is a symbol representing power and beauty. Its history is the integration of artistry and scholarship. Through the abstract beauty of the lines, energy flows in between the letters and words. All the parts are integrated into a whole. These parts include positive spacing, negative spacing, and the flow of energy that weaves together the calligrapher's rendering. The abstract beauty of Arabic calligraphy is not always easily comprehended -- but this beauty will slowly reveal itself to the discerning eye.

Arabic calligraphy is not merely an art form but involves divine and moral representations -- from which calligraphy acquires its sublime reputation.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pakistan to Remain - Strong & Forever

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Change - Inqlab

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Daughter of Islam

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dead Horse & our leaders

Islamic Wallpapers For Muslim Brothers

Key Words: Wallpapers, Islamic, Muslim, Allah, Prophet, God, Religion

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Important Parts of Ablution (Wudu)

Dear friends,

I hope all muslims know the method of ablution, but just for your revision I am posting again in URDU for your convenience. Your suggestions are welcome:-

Muslim’s Innocence

His name was Dimitri Steven Georgiou (popularly known as Cat Stevens), born in a liberal country like Britain. At the tender age of 17 he created a commotion in the world of pop music, fame and following were his slaves; he was the heart throb of millions of fans. When he used to sing at concerts, thousands of boys and girls were mesmerized into swinging to his songs like animals. He had no want of money, each cassette being sold for thousands of pounds, and the proceeds of concerts swelling his resources. But despite the money, the fame, and the respect he commanded, he felt restlessness inside him, some disturbance he could not name. When he could not find contentment in pounds, beauties, wealth, cars, and the newest dresses, he started taking drugs.

This is what materialistic people commonly do, they run helter-skelter after fantasies and try to hide behind dreams; they try to find happiness in riches, renown, and in buildings made of sand and stone; they want to suck happiness from song and dance, play, and drugs; but none of these give lasting pleasure. Just as the pain jumps back after the effects of a painkiller wear off, so does restlessness and agitation return after the intoxication of material things fades, a vacuum appears that people try to fill with trivia, but it goes on expanding until the whole being is empty. They have no aim in life, no struggle, nothing more to accomplish.

Georgiou become conscious of this vacuum when he was standing at the pinnacle of his career. This feeling took him to the Qur'an. How could any one coming to this door be returned empty handed? This was a Book that knocked at the gates of hearts and transformed lives; it filled breasts with a divine light even if it be the son of Abi Jahal, Ikramah. When this Book imparts a new life to any and every person with sincerity, why should Dimitri Steven Georgiou have been left untouched? When the blessed shower of guidance rained upon an arid heart, shoots of faith raised their heads. He got immense pleasure from the study of the Qur'an. His aim in life became clear to him, he forsook music and immersed himself in the service and propagation of Islam.

He took the name of Yusuf Islam. Despite accepting Islam he is a peaceful citizen of Britain. He has never been a part of any illegal activity, his cautiousness does not let him even near any such organisation that America or Britain has black listed. Most of his attention is towards the establishment of educational institutions for Muslim girls and boys. After 9/11 he opposed religious extremism and declared it anti-human. He was a fore runner in helping out the victims of the incident, but still he is ostracized by America. His zeal for propagating Islam and, his support for the victims without distinction of religion or nation, was such an offence that entry to the United States of America was denied him. This year on the 21st of September when he flew to America from Britain with his 21 year old daughter, he was deported back to his country.

The admirers of western democracy and its 'devotion' to peace should have had their eye opened. The mask covering the face of America is slipping away; the one accusing others of fundamentalism is proving to be the biggest fundamentalist of all. The recent American elections and their results have surprised the world. This fact is not hidden from any learned or intelligent person that extremism has played an elemental role in the elections. The defeat of John Kerry is not because he wished to put an end to the so called war against terrorism, no, he had an even tougher view concerning the issue; he was defeated because he raised the slogan of liberalism and skipped the boundaries of religious ideology which made the fundamental Christians cross with him.

In contrast George Bush portrayed himself as conservative and a defender of religious traditions. The outcome was that the Americans with religious leanings gave him both notes and votes. This was what made George Bush's day. Many thought that after being re-elected, George Bush would revise his cruel policies concerning the Islamic world, and try to solve the political, economic, and geographical problems of the world in a peaceful way……..but this is not what has happened, in truth his aggressive aims have escalated. The sacking and appointments of ministers shows that he wishes to teach the Islamic world an unforgettable lesson.

It is another thing if our leaders wish to keep the public in fool's paradise, the ground fact is that a long crusade has already started, the result and date of conclusion is anybody's guess. After 9/11 Bush had instinctively called it a 'Crusade", although afterwards he tried to gloss over the mistake, it was in fact his heartfelt desire and worked out opinion that had slipped his tongue. It was a natural _expression of the angry lava boiling in the minds of Christians and Jews against the Muslims; this has been explained by the One Who knows what is in hearts thus,

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah. except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah. Say: "Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all: He knows what is in the heavens, and what is on earth. And Allah has power over all things." (Surah Aal Imran 28,29)

Every passing day the Qur'an is stamping the seal of truth on the predictions it has made concerning the Jews and Christians…………but how simple and innocent are those who still expect goodness from the ahle kufr; the people who cannot bear their own kind in colour, race, and nation just because of the difference in religious opinion would hardly bear "blacks" like us. What can I say for those imagining decency from them, but….

Chaak kar di Turk e nadan ne khilafat ki qaba
Saadgi Muslim ki dekh, auron ki ayyaari bhi dekh

(The gullible Turks tore the robe of the Caliphate Just look at the Muslim's innocence Just look at others' cleverness)

Key Words: Yousuf Islam, Dimtitri Steven, Cat Stevens, Britain, New Muslim, Islam, Holy Quran,

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stop for a moment

Dear Friends,

Read this great article by Maulana Aslam Sheikhupuri on "CREDIT CARDS" & spread this message across your links.

Islam, Muslim, Zarb-e-momin, Momin

Wednesday, October 7, 2009




Sunday, October 4, 2009

Importance of Sunnah

Importance of Sunnah
Path of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

Key Words: Makkah, Madina, Islam, Sunnah, Prophet (P.B.U.H), Muslim, Islam & Pakistan, Bukhari, Muslim, Sunnan Nisai, Quran